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April 01, 2011

The Heat!!

This is Vielka from Ayuh. As many of you know, I do much of the logistics at the studio. Brian, as the director, creates the overall feel of the studio. Brian has, in the past, posted a commentary about the heat. So I thought it appropriate that I do the same, from my position, especially now that we are coming on a year and getting ready for summer.

A number of people ask me if yoga can provide a good workout, a good sweat. And I always tell them, absolutely! I am a former college track & field athlete and enjoy lifting heavy weights so I find Power Yoga to be my yoga of choice. And I don't think I would get that intense workout, that parallels an hour on the track, if it were not for the heat.

But like many of you, I also like a more meditative practice on occasion. Taking Hatha Yoga or Gentle Yoga quiets it all down for me...and neither class is heated!

We wanted to create something at Ayuh Yoga where people of all different backgrounds and abilities could find something and participate in that something regularly. So there is something for the quiet folks, active folks, and folks who like the heat extra hot!

But with any start-up business, we are not always able to accommodate all requests as quickly as one may like. And heating a studio of our size to the temperature needed while keeping costs low to our clients requires quite a bit of scheduling savvy especially with Bay Area schizophrenic weather. So on an unseasonably cold day, we might have to start heating up the room from the day before; on a hot day, perhaps just an hour before. And we have certainly floundered along the way. Our apologies for that.

I will say that when I am moving into Warrior II, making sure my gaze is correct, moving with my breath, engaging my legs and arms while positioning my toe at the correct angle, I don't often times think about the temperature of the room on top of all of that. I just know that at whichever temperature, I am definitely getting my yoga on.

Best, Vielka

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